A groundbreaking two-year programme is poised to revolutionize cooking in Uganda, spearheaded by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development in collaboration with the Global Green Growth Institute. The initiative aims to drive national clean cooking efforts, foster sector coordination, and attract financing for sustainable cooking solutions.
The programme’s key components include the establishment of a Clean Cooking Unit within the ministry to champion the cause, support for market-led solutions in urban areas, and the introduction of scalable business models to enhance clean cooking access. A sustainable supply chain for 10,000 electric cooking appliances will also be established, while over 600 technicians will be trained in repair and maintenance.
The Electric Pressure Cooker (EPC) stands out as a cutting-edge technology that promises to save time, energy, and costs, while also providing a safer and eco-friendly alternative. Its features, including up to 50% energy savings, make it an ideal solution for households and institutions alike.
Support from the UK Government has also led to the development of Uganda’s National eCooking strategy, targeting an increase in electric cooking adoption from 1% to 18% by 2030. The programme launch featured live cooking demos and highlighted the environmental, health, and financial benefits of electric cooking.
As Uganda shifts towards cleaner cooking solutions, the initiative is expected to contribute significantly to the country’s Vision 2040, improving energy efficiency, and reducing reliance on traditional cooking fuels like firewood and charcoal.
“Clean energy is a UK priority,” remarked British High Commissioner Kate Airey, emphasizing the importance of electric cooking in Uganda’s energy and climate action goals.
Energy Minister Dr. Ruth Nankabirwa echoed these sentiments, stressing the need for affordable, cleaner cooking alternatives to meet the demands of Uganda’s growing population and dwindling natural resources.
The Telegraph.
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